Opportunities, Contests and Submissions

Have a short story, poem or other work you’re just dying to share? Check out these publication, workshop and contest opportunities:


Glimmer Train Very Short Fiction Contest

Very Short Fiction Award: 1st place $1,500 & publication in Issue 96. Deadline: 10/31.
Maximum word count: 3,000. Reading fee is $15 per story; please, no more than three submissions per category. Writing Guidelines.
When in doubt, which is where you’ll be living your life as a writer of all your work, short or long, write something simple and follow it out past knowing…listen.—Ron Carlson
Second- and 3rd-place winners receive $500/$300, respectively, or, if accepted for publication, $700.
The results of the Very Short Fiction Award contest will be officially announced in the January 10th bulletin, and finalists will be contacted directly by 12/23. Go here for more information and submissions

Glimmer Train has been discovering, publishing, and paying emerging writers since 1990.
One of the most respected short-story journals in print, Glimmer Train is represented in recent editions of the Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses, New Stories from the Midwest, The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories, New Stories from the South, Best American Mystery Stories, Best of the West, and Best American Short Stories Every story published in Glimmer Train is unsolicited. And every year, we pay out over $50,000 to fiction writers.


Looking for Storytellers

A few months ago, while listening to The Moth podcast, I decided Indy needed a Moth-like event. So I contacted the “official” Moth people and asked them to come to our fair city. After a few emails, I realized that the most effective way to bring The Moth to Indy was to simply plan the event and make it happen. And so, I gathered a few friends and IndeTale, the city’s newest storytelling organization, was born. We will debut this fall with a show on November 26, the night before Thanksgiving, at 9pm at the Fountain Square Brewery. The theme for the night is “Don’t Burn the Turkey: Stories of Holidays Gone Awry.” The show will be hosted by Sharon Gamble, who also co-hosts WFYI’s The Art of the Matter.

We need talented storytellers to make this event a success. We will be taking submissions for story pitches until November 1. Then, our panel of judges will select the top 15 stories and notify winners by November 15. These 15 names will be put into a hat and drawn the night of the show to determine who will actually tell a story for our live audience.
Go to indetale.weebly.com for all the details.

Call for Writers, $10,000 Prize for Writing about Serious Illness, New York, NY

The Christopher Doheny Award recognizes excellence in fiction or non-fiction on the topic of serious illness. The award included a $10,000 prize and publication and promotion of the book in print and audio editions. The award will be presented annually for a manuscript that is in process or completed but not yet published. No entry fee. Click here for more information, or email doheny@centerforfiction.org. Deadline for entry is October 30, 2014   

Spring 2015 Seminar – Call for Applications for The Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts

I would like to invite you to apply for this amazing seminar opportunity offered by Rabbi Sandy Sasso, funded by Lilly Endowment Inc, in partnership with Christian Theological Seminary. This series of 4 workshops and 2 presentation evenings are truly inspiring and will involve collaboration with artists from other media. The artists previously involved have said their involvement with this seminar has been transforming and life changing. The camaraderie has been exceptional. The Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts symposium brings people together from diverse artistic disciplines, practices and religious/spiritual perspectives for a sustained study and reflection on a Biblical text.

Twelve selected participants will be part of a seminar that will engage the sacred text as they seek inspiration to create new work (music, poetry, visual art, dance, drama, narrative, liturgical art). These works will be shared in the seminar and in a final community exhibition.
Applications will be accepted beginning November 1st for the 3rd series of workshops with Religion, Spirituality and the Arts. The workshops run from 6-8:30pm on Thursday evenings on the following dates: 2/5, 2/12, 2/26, 3/5, 3/19, and 3/26. Selection committee will review these three items:
* Completed Application Form
* Artist Resume
* 3 Work Samples
For more details and the application form: http://www.butler.edu/faith-vocation/how-to-apply/<http://butler.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1638bd149d9ccd0c48953e4cc&id=d3cf38e501&e=b2e1cba34b>

Get Inked

Teen Writing Conference for 8-12 grades and teachers
Saint Mary’s College
Saturday, November 8, 2014

$40 includes lunch & signed book
Space is limited!

Like to write? Join author Tracy Bilen for a day of fun. No boring lectures here—Just practical tips on how to keep your writing real
You choose among interactive workshops on the craft of writing

Registrations will be accepted until all slots are filled   
Visit www.michianawriterscenter.pbworks.com for more info and to register.  Or click here for the registration form

Kathy Higgs-Coulthard, Conference Committee
(574) 220-8798 / michianawriterscenter@gmail.com

Call for Entries- Wandering Hermit Press

Wandering Hermit Press is sponsoring chapbook contests for collections of poetry, fiction and nonfiction. The submission fee is $20 per entry. Manuscripts should be 20-30 pages long. Deadline: January 31st, 2015. Winning author receives $500, 40 copies and publication of 400 copies (+ overage for prepublication review and promotional copies) by Wandering Hermit Press. We intend to promote the titles in our catalog assertively. All chapbooks will be assigned an ISBN and distributed nationally. Additional finalist manuscripts may be chosen for publication by the press and individual poems within manuscripts will be considered for publication in Wandering Hermit Review. For complete information visit our Submittable page at: https://wanderinghermitpress.submittable.com/submit
and/or contact us at: wanderinghermitreview@hotmail.com.




Competition & Showcase of the Arts, 2015

National Society of Arts and Letters
Bloomington, Indiana Chapter
Another exciting opportunity for Indiana Writers.  The Bloomington, Indiana chapter of the National Society of arts and Letters (NSAL)  announces the 2015 Writers’ Competition  open to Indiana residents and students between the ages of 18 and 29 who are currently enrolled in Indiana schools.
Prizes include the one thousand ($1,000) dollar Chapter Award and other cash awards.  The deadline for submission is January 23, 2015.

For more information about the competition please contact Richard Holl at richardholl9@yahoo.com or call 812-334-8171.

Click here for the application.  Mail your application and entry to be postmarked by January 23, 2015

The Indiana Center for the Book is currently accepting entries to the Letters About Literature national writing contest AND the River of Words national Poetry and Art contests.


Letters About Literature:

Students in grade 4-12 are invited to write a personal letter to an author, living or dead, from any genre (fiction or nonfiction, contemporary or classic, etc.) explaining how that author’s work changed the student’s way of thinking about the world or their self.  Click HERE for Entry Form.   Deadlines are:  December 15, 2014 (postmark): Level III (Grades 9-12) AND January 15, 2015 (postmark): Level I (Grades 4-6) & Level II (Grades 7 & 8).  Prizes include $100 for First Place and entry into the National competition, $50 for Second Place, and $25 for Third Place.  Several Honorable Mentions are chosen as well with prizes of $10.00.  All semifinalists and winners are invited to an award ceremony at the Indiana State Library and will get to meet nationally recognized author and illustrator, Troy Cummings.  Semifinalists and Winners are also invited to be included in the 2014-2015 Letters About Literature Anthology.  This is a great opportunity for individuals and Language Arts classes alike. For more information including a Teacher Guide visit http://www.in.gov/library/lal.htm.


River of Words: 

Students ages 5-19 years old are invited to submit poetry or 2 dimensional art works to the national River of Words competition.  The contest focuses on watersheds as a central theme. This opportunity is designed to help youth express themselves through the arts, while exploring their environment and developing a sense of place and appreciation for discovery. River of Words is an excellent opportunity for art and literature classrooms to strengthen their skills and make connections between the watershed theme and their artistic talents.  The deadline for all entries is December 1, 2014.  Prizes include $50 for First Place Winners.   Winners are invited to an award ceremony at the Indiana State Library and will get to meet nationally recognized author and illustrator, Troy Cummings.  Winners are also invited to be included in the 2014-2015 Letters About Literature Anthology.  For more information including all entry forms visit:  http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/center-for-environmental-literacy/contest-entry-forms-and-rules-in-english.  River of Words is a program out of the Center for Environmental Literacy at St. Mary’s College of California.

Teachers and Librarians!  Don’t miss out on these great opportunities for your students!



Free Magazine for Writers

Writers Wheel Magazine
Click here to read and download the first issue:

It’s published by Compass Books http://www.compass-books.net,  which offers a list of helpful titles on practical tips for writers, all written by writers from a company run by writers. The most recent title we have published is The Writer’s Group Handbook. All the titles are available internationally.

If you would like the next issue of the magazine emailed to you, join our mailing list: http://www.compass-books.net/list-signup.html

We’re also looking for new authors and have a range of imprints they could fit into at http://www.johnhuntpublishing.com.




Hip Mama magazine is looking for unique, creative, strong, edgy, alternative parenting stories for upcoming issues.

Send submissions to: hipsubmissions@gmail.com    

November is National Novel Writing Month

South Bend has a great support group for Nanawrimo (which is a challenge to write an entire novel in the month of November). You can access them here: http://nanowrimo.org/regions/usa-indiana-south-bend



The Indiana Writing Workshop A full-day “How to Get Published” writing event
Saturday, November 1, 2014   10 a.m. – 5 p.m
Nora Library Branch/IMCPL
8625 Guilford Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46240

Presenter-Chuck Sambuchino (chucksambuchino.com, @chucksambuchino) of Writer’s Digest Books
This is a special one-day “How to Get Published” writing workshop. In other words, it’s one day full of classes and advice designed to give you the best instruction concerning how to get your writing & books published. We’ll discuss your publishing opportunities today, how to write queries & pitches, how to market yourself and your books, what makes an agent/editor stop reading your manuscript, and more. No matter what you’re writing — fiction or nonfiction — the day’s classes will help point you in the right direction. Writers of all genres are welcome.
We will have two literary agents (Jen Karsbaek of Foreword Literary, and Whitley Abell of Inklings Literary) as well as imprint editor (Andrew Scott of Engine Books and Lacewing Books) onsite to give feedback and meet with writers, as well.
Cost: $99 — CURRENT EARLY BIRD sign-up pricing. $99 is the current base price for registration to the event and access to all workshops, all day. The price goes up to $119 as of October 1, 2014.
Add $29 — to secure a 10-minute one-on-one meeting with a literary agent in attendance
Add $59 — for an in-depth, personal critique of your one-page query letter from instructor Chuck Sambuchino.
Go to http://indianawritingworkshop.com/ for all the details and how to register.


Poet Laureate to Lead Writing Workshop

george kalamaras Indiana State Poet Laureate, George Kalamaras (right) will lead a poetry writing workshop at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, November 6, 2014, at Clowes Memorial Hall of Butler University. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn to teach (and write) basic poetic techniques like similes, metaphors, and images. You will explore how to write about common objects, and how close examination can lead to rich metaphors and flourishes of poetic insight. For more information on this workshop and how to register, click here.


Publish Your Book

Great opportunity to learn about the publishing process from local authors. Publish Your Book in 2015 will be a daylong workshop exploring traditional and self-publishing options. Saturday, November 22.

Click here to get all the details


Butler Bridge Program


The Butler Bridge workshops are designed to develop the writing skills of pre-college students(grades 3-12). Participation in such an individualized writing workshop program will help students prepare for college while also nurturing their talents and imaginations. 
Go to http://www.butler.edu/english/writing-camp/butler-bridge/ to get all the details.

If you are interested in signing up for any (OR ALL!) of the Butler Bridge Programs, please fill out a registration sheet found at http://www.butler.edu/english/writing-camp/butler-bridge/ or by emailing coordinator Mindy Dunn at butlerbridge@butler.edu. Your registration will be confirmed upon payment. 


Kid’s Magazine


Indiana Kids magazine, a brand new family project (not a commercial one) written, edited and published for kids, about kids and by kids, is seeking submissions from Indiana kids across the state. 

This online quarterly magazine is a family project of the Miller and Anderson families of central Indiana, founded to teach our own family’s Indiana kids how to work together, how to interview people (which involves a lot of listening), how to interpret and write about what they’ve learned, and to introduce them to many other interesting Indiana kids around the state they might otherwise not get to meet.  Please send us your poetry, short stories, art work and photography. Make sure the photographs are a jpg file. The drawings can be pdf files. The poems and stories can be either Microsoft Word or just written in the body of the email. 

If your submission fits the themes and mission of the magazine, we will publish it in future issues of Indiana Kids. Please send your work to indianakidsmag@gmail.com  and put “submission” in the subject line.  Please let us know what you would like to see us write about in Indiana Kids in future issues. Take a look at the magazine via this link: http://issuu.com/indianakids


Poets & Writers: New Writing Contest Deadlines!


For information regarding writing contests and deadlines: Go to the Writing Contest Database


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