Please help the Indiana Writers Center recruit great interns for “Building a Rainbow” and publish an anthology of student work by donating to our Summer Program Fund, which will provide $500 stipends to six worthy students and pay to produce a collection of the summer’s writing for each child.
One of the coolest things in the world is to stand in the middle of a classroom surrounded by children with their heads bent, writing furiously, no sound but the scratch of pencils on the page. A very cool thing is to listen to them read their stories aloud. It’s wonderful to see how proud—and often surprised—they are at having written so well.
But the coolest thing of all is to put a book in the hands of a young writer and watch her face light up when she opens it to find her own story inside.
The Indiana Writers Center makes this happen every summer with “Building a Rainbow,” a five-week creative writing program for at-risk youth at three sites in the city. We take a difficult academic skill—writing—and make it fun, personal, and empowering.
Gifted, committed college interns are crucial to the success of our program. In addition to giving young writers quality attention, they also produce the anthology of student stories and create a short video that is shown to students and their parents at the final celebration. And they learn, too!
“I’m blown away by the power of children,” one intern wrote in her self-evaluation. “I had no idea they had so much to say with such unique voices.
Most of our interns work several jobs to make ends meet. We’d like to be able to offer them a modest stipend for their significant contributions to our summer program.
And we’d really, really love to see those kids’ faces when we hand out real books with their own writing in it.
Where the money will go:
$3,000 Stipends for 6 college interns
$2,000 Publication costs, including a book for each child involved in the program.
$600 Fee for power2give
$5,600 Total
Every little bit helps!
Click here to go to our Power to Give Project