Writing for Publication |
Monday, March 24 Online |
Time: 6:30 – 9:30 pmEST Cost: Nonmember: $75; Writer/Reader Members & IPC Members: $48; Senior, Teacher, Student, Military/Veteran, Librarian: $42 Anybody can write, but it takes a special type of determination to see your work through to print. In this workshop, we’ll discuss proper manuscript formatting for poetry, fiction, creative fiction, and journalism, and go on to discuss market lists, deciphering writer’s guidelines, dealing with rejection and rejoicing in seeing your work in print. We’ll also talk about basic marketing techniques, including how to find places to review your books, how to set up interviews for yourself, and how to set up book signings. |
Q&A with Holly
What is your personal motto, or something like a proverb that you live by (writing related or not)?
Persistence beats talent every time.
What’s your favorite thing about the IWC?
I love the people I’ve met through IWC. As a full-time writer, the only time I get to talk to people I’m not related to is when I’m teaching, and I’ve made some wonderful friendships through my IWC classes.
What’s the best thing students can take away from this class?
I want them to feel like the processes I cover are straightforward enough that they can immediately start on their projects after the class ends. I like to think I explain things to the point that there are no questions left. That’s my goal, anyway.
Who are some of your favorite books on the craft of haiku?
“On Being a Writer” ed. Bill Strickland. My dad bought this for me when I was a teenager and it was incredibly inspiring for me then. I bought a copy again many years later as an adult and found it just as inspiring.
More on Holly
Holly Day has worked as a freelance writer for over 30 years, with over 7,000 published articles, poems, and short stories and 40 books and chapbooks, including the nonfiction books, Music Theory for Dummies, Music Composition for Dummies, Walking Twin Cities, Stillwater, Minnesota: A Brief History, Nordeast Minneapolis: A History, Tattoo FAQ, and History Lover’s Guide to Minneapolis; and the poetry books, A Book of Beasts (Weasel Press), The Tooth is the Largest Organ in the Human Body (Anaphora Press), Bound in Ice (Shanti Arts Publishing), and Cross-Referencing a Book of Summer (Silver Bow Publishing). Her writing has been nominated for a National Magazine Award, a 49th Parallel Prize, an Isaac Asimov Award, several dozen Pushcart awards, and a Rhysling Award, and she has received two Midwest Writer’s Grants, a Plainsongs Award, the Sam Ragan Prize for Poetry, and the Dwarf Star Award from the Science Fiction Poetry Association.