Opportunities for Writers – June 2021

opportunties for writers Indiana Writers Center

Opportunities for Writers June 2021

Opportunities for writers – June 2021, including writers conferences, workshops, contests, and submissions. Updated 6/8/2021.

Submit your opportunity to mail@indianawriters.org. Submit your opportunity by the 1st of the month to ensure it is included.

Have a short story, poem or other work you’re just dying to share?  Check out these publications, workshop and contest opportunities. Read below to discover opportunities for writers for June 2021 and beyond:  

*Advice on Writing Contests:  

When considering contests, look to see how they handled winners’ work from previous years: Is there a list of previous winners? Where you can go to read or have access to the winning pieces of writing? Who are the judges? Are they people who you would read yourself? If you win, what kind of audience would you receive for your work? Research contests and their reputations online. Use places like duotrope.com, Poets and Writers (pw.org), the New Pages (newpages.com), or The Review Review (thereviewreview.net), to see whether there is any other information about the contest from other sources.

Opportunities for Writers June 2021:

LitUp Fellowship

A writer’s fellowship for unpublished, underrepresented women. Application window extended to June 13, 2021. Powered by The Readership, LitUp will provide five emerging writers with an all-expenses-paid retreat, a three-month mentorship with a published author, and marketing support from Reese’s Book Club. Find out more and submit.

Sequestrum Literature & Art

Themed Submissions: Family
Families are an endless source of material. We want buried secrets. We want generational stories. We want stories of betrayal and belonging, of fractures and survival, of losing hope and redemption. At this point in literature, a “normal” family might be the strangest story of all. We want that too. We want your most ambitious writing in its most imaginative form. Whether that’s realism or fantasy, slipstream or traditional, we want to read it. As always, wow us. Thrill us. Never bore us. We’re eager to read your best. Deadline 6/15/21. Submit to Sequestrum themed issue.

The Don Belton Fiction Reading Period

Indiana Review and Indiana University Press are proud to present the Don Belton Fiction Reading Period, an exciting extension to the Blue Light Books partnership. Between May 1 and June 15, we will read fiction manuscripts of up to 80,000 words. The winning manuscript will be published by IU Press in trade paperback format as part of the Blue Light Books Series. The winner will receive $1,000 against future royalties and a standard publication contract with IU Press.

Our 2021 judge is Anjali Sachdeva, author of All the Names They Used for God.

Indiana Review will be able to offer free submissions for up to fifty Black and Indigenous writers for the 2021 Don Belton Fiction Reading Period! Note that all other submission guidelines apply. More information is available here. Deadline June 15.

Lois Moran Award for Craft Writing

New craft writing award—call for nominations! A prize of $3,000 will go to the winner of the Lois Moran Craft Writing Award! The deadline is June 30, 2021.

The longest-serving editor of American Craft magazine and a monumental figure in the history of the American Craft Council, Lois Moran was a tireless proponent of the field of American craft. She had a mission to elevate the importance of craft for a broad audience. The ACC is now seeking nominations for an award recognizing the work of writers committed to moving the craft conversation forward.

The jurors for this award, which will be given in Fall 2021, are Glenn Adamson, Indira Allegra, and Rachael Arauz. Read more about our jurors, read the full guidelines, and make your nominations.

Indiana Playwrights Circle 10 Minute Play Festival Seeks Scripts

IPC plans to produce the plays in partnership with IndyFringe and local theatre groups for a performance at IndyFringe in November. $50 royalty compensation. Deadline June 18. Must be a resident of Indiana. Read the guidelines and submit.

RSA is accepting applications from artists for the 2021-22 seminar

Deadline July 1.

Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts (RSA) is a program of the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute that brings together artists, religious leaders, religious communities, humanities experts, and a broad range of publics from diverse backgrounds and disciplinary perspectives for sustained study, analysis, and discussion of religious texts in a classroom environment.

Directed by Rabbi Sandy Sasso, these textual discussions, which explore the varieties of religious experience and understanding, provide the inspiration for creating new artistic works (e.g. music, poetry, fiction, drama, visual art, dance). Artists share their creations through exhibitions and presentations to members of the Central Indiana community, including religious organizations, congregations, schools, libraries, and community groups.
2021-22 Theme: Water from the Rock. Find out more about the program and apply.

Key West Literary Seminar Emerging Writer Awards

Key West Literary Seminar offers three Emerging Writer Awards each year. The Marianne Russo Award (for a novel-in-progress), the Scotti Merrill Award (for poetry), and the Cecelia Joyce Johnson Award (for a short story) recognize and support writers who possess exceptional talent and demonstrate potential for lasting literary careers.
Winners receive full tuition support for our Seminar and Workshop Program, January 6 – 14, 2022; round-trip airfare, lodging, a $500 honorarium, and the opportunity to read their work on stage during the Seminar. Application deadline is June 30 (there is a $12 application fee). http://www.kwls.org/awards/emerging-writer-awards

They also offer teacher and librarian scholarships, with a deadline of July 15. More information about the KWLS awards.

Call for Submissions – Non-stalgia: A Fiction Anthology

What is Non-stalgia? It’s the story that could have happened if you’d turned left at that intersection instead of right. It’s the life you’ve created for a fascinating stranger you met once. It’s taking a kernel of something true and leaping off into a world of imagination.

Send us your most non-stalgic stories, works that start with real life—and add fictional garnish. It’s not about the memory, it’s about the totally made-up story that memory inspires. Give us the adventure you could have had, or the love story you should have pursued. Or tell us about your high school reunion, but add an extra-dimensional imp only you can see. Tell us about your algebra teacher being launched into space to become the first mathematician on Mars. Any genre of fiction is welcome. Whatever inspires you, grow a great story from a personal experience or observation.

This is not nonfiction. It’s non-stalgia. Find out more and read the full guidelines.

Submit your entry online by July 1, 2021. If you have any questions, please email Ryan and Summer at nonstalgia.fiction@gmail.com

The Heartland Society of Women Writers is Open for Submissions

The Heartland Society of Women Writers is open to submissions between 1-3k or up to 50 lines of poetry until June 30th. We accept all genres of writing from those who identify as women. View the full submission guidelines.

Call for Scripts

Do You Have A Story “From The Heart”?Imagine Performing Arts in Connersville, IN, is looking for a few good playwrights. They have put out a call for scripts for a night of short plays to be presented Valentines weekend 2022. “We are planning to do four to six short plays that are fifteen to twenty minutes in length. Each show should be a full story with a beginning, middle and end. Since they will run back to back, they should have minimal set requirements” stated Belinda Foreman, president of IPA. Only the first 100 scripts submitted before July 17, 2021 will be considered. The theme for the shows is from the heart. Imagine is asking that there be only one submission per person. “We are looking forward to the collaboration between the playwrights, directors, casts and crew” said Cindy Perez of IPA, “It’s an opportunity to create something that no audience has ever seen, make memories and theater magic.”If you are interested in making a submission the play should be written in the format recommended at this website: http://www.scribd.com/document/135760006/sample-play-script. Questions and submissions can be emailed until July 17, 2021 to Imagineperformingarts@yahoo.com.If you would be interested in directing, acting or working as part of the design team or production crew, email IPA at the email address above or through their website at www.imagineperformingarts.com. Auditions for the winning shows will take place in late 2021. Watch for more information at the Imagine Performing Arts website and Facebook page.

Climate Storytelling Fellowship: Three writers will receive $10,000 each

The Black List is pleased to partner with National Resources Defense Council’s Rewrite the Future program and The Redford Center to offer financial grants and creative support for scripts telling stories with new perspectives on climate change.

The Black List, NRDC and The Redford Center will award $10,000 to each of three screenwriters to support revision of a feature screenplay or pilot  with significant climate crisis and/or climate solution themes.

Submissions are open until 7/21. To apply for the fellowship, the submitted script (feature or pilot) must include climate in the story in a meaningful way that involves major characters, events, or plot. Learn more about the Climate Storytelling Fellowship, and how to apply.

We’Moon: Women – Our Call for Art, Creative Writing and Poetry Submissions is Open!

We’Moon is like a combination literary journal, art magazine, and poetry digest all rolled into one. We would be delighted to consider your creative contributions for upcoming editions. Deadline August 1 ,2021.

We’Moon is a lunar calendar, a handbook in natural cycles and most importantly a collaboration of women! Women from around the world send us their art and writing to be considered for publication within the date book. Send us your creative work. We are always excited to receive submissions from women who have not sent their work in to us, before. Find out more about submissions.

Speculative Anthology Open for Submissions from Midwestern Writers

Of Rust and Glass seeks submissions for an anthology of speculative writing. Now accepting poetry, short fiction (up to 10,000 words), artwork, and photography. This is a royalty sharing project. Think fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Ask yourself, “What if?” No gratuitous sex scenes or violence for the sake of violence. Submissions close 9/1/2021. View more and submit.

Alice James Books Open Reading Period

Alice James Books is open for submissions of full length poetry through October 15, 2021. The Alice James Award welcomes submissions from emerging as well as established poets. Entrants must reside in the United States. The winner receives $2000, book publication, and distribution through Consortium. In addition to the winning manuscript, one or more additional manuscripts may be chosen for publication as the Editor’s Choice.

To submit electronically, visit the Submittable site. For details on submission guidelines and how to send a hardcopy submission, review ther guidelines.

Seeking Submissions for Meditation Anthologies

Hazelden Publishing is the leading publisher of addiction recovery and self-help resources. Part of the?Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, the nation’s largest nonprofit treatment provider, we offer a variety of accessible and life changing materials–from daily meditations to evidence-based programs. 

In the past, our meditation-a-day format books have been written by a single author. Now, we are taking the opportunity of using the 365 days in a year to expand the number of voices we can uplift and recognize.?The more people who hear about the call for submissions, the more inclusive, reflective of the community, and useful the final books will be.  

Complete information about How We Heal: Meditations for Reclaiming Our Voices from Addiction and Sexual Trauma is available here: https://www.hazelden.org/store/publicpage/meditations-anthology-writing-detail 

Complete information about Leave No One Behind: Daily Meditations for Service Members and Veterans in Recovery is available here: https://www.hazelden.org/store/publicpage/meditations-anthology-writing-leave-no-one-behind 

The Flying Island: New Look for 2021!

Flying Island, the Online Literary Journal of the Indiana Writers Center accepts submissions on a rolling basis from Indiana residents and those with significant ties to Indiana.

  • Fiction: up to 5,000 words
  • Nonfiction: up to 3,500 words
  • Poetry: up to three poems, no more than 50 lines each.

Visit the journal and submit your work.

Washington Post Seeking Op-eds

In our effort to bring in more voices from across America, the Washington Post’s op-ed department would like to hear from writers with a wide variety of backgrounds, interests and outlooks. The one constant should be that they are good writers with strong viewpoints, and value facts and reasoned argument over invective. We’ll welcome one-off submissions, or pieces on breaking news events that we solicit, but we also hope that some writers will develop into regular contributors.

The Washington Post maintains a high bar for acceptance: We receive a large volume of op-ed submissions and have limited space, so even worthwhile op-eds might not be accepted if they don’t meet our needs at the moment. But our having a designated venue for op-eds from across the country does expand the possibility that your submission could find a home here. (A good target length for op-eds is 750-800 words.)

Here are some examples of writing that would fit into this category. As you can see, the range of topics is broad – political, personal, analytical, humorous, legal, business-oriented, you name it. What ties them together is that they don’t originate in Washington or universities or think tanks or other common sources of opinion articles. They bring first-hand experience or on-the-ground knowledge to bear on matters that may be local to the writer but could easily be of interest to readers everywhere.

Extra note: It’s best to send pieces in both an attachment and pasted into the email (reading in the email is fastest, but if there are links within the text, they convert more easily from a document).

Send op-eds to Mark Lasswell, Mark.Lasswell@washpost.com

Write for Sixty Inches from Center

Sixty welcomes writers and artists of all experience levels to pitch ideas for traditional and experimental arts writing around topics, and practices that are relevant to the cultural landscapes of the Midwest.

Priority will be given to writing by, about, and for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists, artists with disabilities, and the long list of writing, art-making, and cultural practices that have been neglected in mainstream conversations and canons about art and culture. We publish writing, photography, art, archive materials, video, and conversations that are thoughtful, generative, experimental, and relatable to a variety of readers.

Once a pitch is accepted, writers have full and free access to our editors, transcribers, translators, photographers, and illustrators to support the creation and completion of the final piece.

To see what type of articles they publish and other guidelines, visit the link.

Driftwood Press Submissions Open

John Updike once said, “Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.” At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. Driftwood Press is a bi-annual literary magazine founded in Tampa, FL in 2013.

As of 2018, we pay our contributors (see guidelines for rates) for each contribution made to our magazine.

At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. We are excited to receive your submissions and will diligently work to bring you the best in full poetry collections, novellas, graphic novels, short fiction, poetry, graphic narrative, photography, art, interviews, and contests.]

Visit their website for more information and to submit your work.

Indiana Pizza Club Seeks Writers/Poets for New Literary Magazine Genuine Gold

Deadline September 30

Genuine Gold is a literary magazine produced by the Indiana Pizza Club that strives to publish high-quality, yet unpretentious, poems and short stories from Indiana writers. Obviously we are wild about pizza (It is the greatest food in the world.), but this magazine is dedicated to another couple of our passions – poetry and literature. Even though we are run by The Indiana Pizza Club, we have no specific interest in poems or stories about pizza. In fact, we aren’t particularly interested at all in pieces that deal with our favorite food. (We know that’s weird!)

Instead, we’re looking for poems of any length and short stories of no more than 1500 words that reflect creativity and unique perspectives on life. We welcome submissions of up to 3 poems and/or 2 short stories at a time.

We are interested in submissions from new and established writers and every piece will be reviewed by our editorial staff without seeing author names.

We gladly accept simultaneous submissions, but do ask that you alert us if one of your submissions is accepted by another publication.

You will receive a reply to your submissions within three months, but typically much sooner.

We ask for First North American Serial Rights and that you acknowledge Genuine Gold in the event of subsequent publication. At this time we cannot offer payment for publishing your work.

Submissions are now open and will be accepted until September 30. The inaugural issue of Genuine Gold will be published during the fourth quarter of 2021 in both print and ebook formats.

If you have any questions you can contact us at contact@indianapizzaclub.com

Extinction Rebellion Creative Hub Open for Submissions

Welcome to the Extinction Rebellion Creative Hub: an anthology of songs, fiction and poetry that’s inspiring, meaningful and original, and that reflects the principles, concerns and values of the Extinction Rebellion from a global, regional or local perspective.

This collection is a voice and a resource for Extinction Rebellion members everywhere, and a contribution to the global XR profile in the wider world.

Find out more and submit your work.

Submissions open in all genres!

For submissions, email: submissions@blankcoverpress.com 

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: A Force Outside Myself: Citizens Over 60 Speak

Deadline: Rolling
If you are 60 or older, we’re interested in your thoughts right now and hope you can write a short first-person narrative. (100-500 words) Send entries to Kitania Folk at aforce@mcsweeneys.net and watch our site for ongoing updates.

Awakenings Review Seeks Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Photography, and Art

Established in 2000, The Awakenings Review is an annual lit mag committed to publishing poetry, short story, nonfiction, photography, and art by writers, poets and artists who have a relationship with mental illness: either self, family member, or friend. Our striking hardcopy publication is one of the nation’s leading journals of this genre. Creative endeavors and mental illness have long had a close association. The Awakenings Review publishes works derived from artists’, writers’, and poets’ experiences with mental illness, though mental illness need not be the subject of your work. Visit www.AwakeningsProject.org for submission guidelines.

Hip Mama magazine is looking for unique, creative, strong, edgy, alternative parenting stories for upcoming issues.
Check out the magazine here.
Send submissions to: hipsubmissions@gmail.com  

Complete Guide to 2021 Artist Grants & Opportunities

A list of the top international open calls, residencies, fellowships, and awards that we believe will benefit artists during the upcoming year! The complete list is broken down into six categories: grants, residencies & fellowships, calls-for-entry, publications, COVID relief funds, and opportunity sites.

This list will be updated throughout the year, so make sure to bookmark the page, check back often. View the list.

Poets & Writers: New Writing Contest Deadlines!

For information regarding writing contests and deadlines:Go Here

WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR OPPORTUNITY LISTED HERE? Email the details to: mail@indianawriters.org

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