Have a short story, poem or other work you’re just dying to share? Check out these publication, workshop and contest opportunities:
*Advice on Writing Contests:
When considering contests, look to see how they handled winners’ work from previous years: Is there a list of previous winners? Where you can go to read or have access to the winning pieces of writing? Who are the judges? Are they people who you would read yourself? If you win, what kind of audience would you receive for your work? Research contests and their reputations online. Use places like duotrope.com, Poets and Writers (pw.org), the New Pages (newpages.com), or The Review Review (thereviewreview.net), to see whether there is any other information about the contest from other sources.
The Flying Island: New Look for 2021!
Flying Island, the Online Literary Journal of the Indiana Writers Center accepts submissions on a rolling basis from Indiana residents and those with significant ties to Indiana.
- Fiction: up to 3,000 words
- Nonfiction: up to 3,500 words
- Poetry: up to three poems, no more than 50 lines each.
Visit the journal and submit your work.
Gluestick Indy “Anaphora” Poetry Zine
Open for Submissions
Any genre of poetry is welcome. They have 20 slots for contributors. To contribute please fill in the google form link . They are also inviting people to send us a pre-recorded video of a poetry reading, which they will post or help facilitate a livestream. Have questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate to contact them through e-mail at GluestickIndy@gmail.com.
Driftwood Press Submissions Open
John Updike once said, “Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.” At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. Driftwood Press is a bi-annual literary magazine founded in Tampa, FL in 2013.
As of 2018, we pay our contributors (see guidelines for rates) for each contribution made to our magazine.
At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. We are excited to receive your submissions and will diligently work to bring you the best in full poetry collections, novellas, graphic novels, short fiction, poetry, graphic narrative, photography, art, interviews, and contests.]
Visit their website for more information and to submit your work.
OnyxFest Open Call for “Our Way”
OnyxFest 2021 provides a platform through which to shape the narrative of Black life and culture from the minds of those who know it best. This is the first and only theater festival exclusively for Black playwrights. If you or someone you know has an original, never produced concept, scripts are being accepted at OnyxFestARTI@gmail.com. The event is sponsored by the Africana Repertory Theater of IUPUI (ARTI).
Tributaries: A Journal of Creative Arts is now accepting submissions
Tributaries: A Journal of Creative Arts is now accepting submissions of original fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual art for our 2021 issue. Creative work must be composed by undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in any Indiana institution of higher education. All submissions will be considered for our 2021 cash prizes in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art. Submission deadline: 1/10/2021. Submit at https://www.iue.edu/tributaries/submissions/
Call for Submissions: Molecule – a tiny lit mag
- Deadline: January 15, 2021
Submissions open from 12/1/20 to 1/15/21. Replies by: 2/15/21. Call for submissions for the Spring 2021 issue of Molecule – a tiny lit mag. Poetry, prose, nonfiction, plays, reviews, and interviews in 50 words or less (including titles and interview questions). Visual art work of tiny things like tea bags and toothpicks, or tiny paintings also wanted: no skyscrapers please! Strict word count. Don’t try and trick us we have small minds. Send submissions preferably in the body of the email or jpeg attachment for photos to moleculetinylitmag@gmail.com, along with a 3rd person bio no more than 24 words (including name). moleculetinylitmag.art.blog
2021 DISQUIET Prize is Now Open for Submissions
Contest winners in the categories of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction will have their winning work published in North America’s leading publications: fiction in Granta.com, poetry in The Common, and non-fiction in NinthLetter.com.
If circumstances permit, one grand prize winner will receive a full fellowship (airfare stipend, tuition, and housing included) to the 2021 DISQUIET International Program in Lisbon, Portugal. In the event the 2021 Lisbon program can’t be held due to coronavirus restrictions, genre and grand prize winners can choose to delay the prize trip to a future year or accept a substitute cash prize of $1,000 each.
The complete guidelines for the 2021 contest are as follows:
EXTENDED Deadline: January 22, 2021
For the full list of eligibility requirements, guidelines, and how to submit, go HERE.
The Scottish Arts Club Short Story Competition is Open to Writers Worldwide
The Scottish Arts Club Short Story Competition 2021 offers £1000 first prize for stories on any topic up to 2,000 words, £500 second prize, £250 third prize plus publication opportunity in our next anthology for the top twenty stories. Chief judge multi-booker nominated author Andrew O’Hagan. Deadline February 28, 2021. Find out more and submit your work.
The 30th Annual James Jones First Novel Fellowship
Awarded to an American author of a first novel-in-progress, in 2021, by the James Jones Literary Society.
The award is intended to honor the spirit of unblinking honesty, determination, and insight into modern culture exemplified by the late James Jones, author of From Here to Eternity and other prose narratives of distinction. Jones himself was the recipient of aid from many supporters as a young writer and his family, friends, and admirers have established this award of $10,000 to continue the tradition in his name. Two runners up awards of $1000 each may be given by the Jones Literary Society. All selections are at the discretion of the judges.
DEADLINES: Entries should be sent to jamesjones.submittable.com/submit. no later than midnight, March 15, 2021 Eastern Standard time.
Entry Fee: $30 plus a $3.00 processing fee.
Read all about eligibility and requirements.
About Place Journal Call for Submissions: Geographies of Justice
Editor: Alexis Lathem
Assistant Editors: Richard Cambridge & Charles Coe
Open for submissions on December 15, 2020
All submissions are due by March 1, 2021
Geographies of Justice
After four long years, we have scaled the mountain. But beyond mountains, there are more mountains. The Haitian proverb can be read many ways: it can mean that only by surmounting one obstacle can we arrive at a clear view of the next one, that the challenges are never ending. Or, that every challenge is, equally, an opportunity. It can also suggest the ways in which the mountains we face form broader patterns, shaped as they are by the same forces (racism, capitalism) that divide us and erode the basis of future life on Earth.
About Place Geographies of Justice issue seeks work that re-imagines the maps that divide us into the privileged and the disadvantaged, that value some lives more than others; work that exposes systems of medical, environmental, and economic apartheid. We look for work that opens itself to the larger world, that takes the long view, that peels back the maps imposed through historical and ecological violence and shows awareness of who and what was here before. Work that is located in sacred geographies, that has come from the difficult ascent, work that is visionary. Send us your poems, essays, stories, artwork and multimedia born from your ascents and descents, your passage through the hollows of grief, your moments of transcendent vision. Give us the view that will take our breath away.
Find out more and submit your work.
The Rialto Nature and Place Poetry Competition
The Rialto working in association with the RSPB, BirdLife International and the Cambridge Conservation Initiative
Poems are invited that deal with any aspect of nature and place – these terms will be given a wide interpretation by the judge Daljit Nagra. Closing Date March 1st 2021
1st prize – £1000
2nd prize – £500
3rd prize – £250
More prizes, information, and how to submit your work.
Extinction Rebellion Creative Hub Open for Submissions
Welcome to the Extinction Rebellion Creative Hub: an anthology of songs, fiction and poetry that’s inspiring, meaningful and original, and that reflects the principles, concerns and values of the Extinction Rebellion from a global, regional or local perspective.
This collection is a voice and a resource for Extinction Rebellion members everywhere, and a contribution to the global XR profile in the wider world.
Find out more and submit your work.
Submissions open in all genres!
For submissions, email: submissions@blankcoverpress.com
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: A Force Outside Myself: Citizens Over 60 Speak
Deadline: Rolling
If you are 60 or older, we’re interested in your thoughts right now and hope you can write a short first-person narrative. (100-500 words) Send entries to Kitania Folk at aforce@mcsweeneys.net and watch our site for ongoing updates.
Awakenings Review Seeks Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Photography, and Art
Established in 2000, The Awakenings Review is an annual lit mag committed to publishing poetry, short story, nonfiction, photography, and art by writers, poets and artists who have a relationship with mental illness: either self, family member, or friend. Our striking hardcopy publication is one of the nation’s leading journals of this genre. Creative endeavors and mental illness have long had a close association. The Awakenings Review publishes works derived from artists’, writers’, and poets’ experiences with mental illness, though mental illness need not be the subject of your work. Visit www.AwakeningsProject.org for submission guidelines.
Hip Mama magazine is looking for unique, creative, strong, edgy, alternative parenting stories for upcoming issues.
Check out the magazine here.
Send submissions to: hipsubmissions@gmail.com
Poets & Writers: New Writing Contest Deadlines!
For information regarding writing contests and deadlines:Go Here
WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR OPPORTUNITY LISTED HERE? Email the details to: mail@indianawriters.org