The Indiana Writers Center for the first time will offer the Mari Evans Grant for a person of color to attend its annual writing workshop, The Gathering of Writers, which will be offered virtually, September 24-27, 2020.
The workshop grant will be in honor of Indianapolis author, poet and philosopher, the late Mari Evans. Evans (1923-2017), was a major figure in the Black Arts Movement in the U.S., and wrote many books of poetry, plays and essays. In addition to attending the workshop for free, the recipient will receive a one-year membership to the Indiana Writers Center.
The benefactor for the award is Celeste Williams, Indianapolis writer and president of the IWC board of directors.
The year 2020 has been remarkable for many reasons, including a global pandemic and widespread racial reckoning. One of the tenets of the IWC is to help amplify the voices of those who are rarely heard. To that end, the IWC this year affirmed its solidarity with all who raise their voices to oppose institutional racism, white supremacy and police brutality.
The annual Gathering of Writers was almost another casualty, as it had to pivot to a “virtual” event, and move from March to September. Undaunted, The Gathering, which brings together writers and those with writing aspirations, will happen. Under the tutelage of a myriad of published writers, participants exercise their writing and creative muscles in an atmosphere of sharing and camaraderie.
“We are honored to offer this ‘scholarship,’ of sorts, to someone who Ms. Evans would have taken under her wing,” said IWC board president, Celeste Williams. “I thought this year of remarkable movement was the perfect time to offer this opportunity to someone who would not otherwise be able to attend,” she said.
“I am looking forward to The Gathering, and to meeting the recipient of this first Mari Evans Grant.”
To Apply:
Interested individuals should send a paragraph stating why they want to attend and affirming that they can attend on the dates, to