There are many great literary events around Indianapolis and beyond. Looking for something to do? Here are just a few ideas:
Poets Laureate of Lawrence
Tuesday, August 26 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Lawrence Art Center
4437 N. Franklin Rd., 46226
Featured poet –Tracy Mishkin
See bio below for her book launch.
Please come support local poets, and bring your own poetry to share during the open mike.
Indy Reads Books
911 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Kathryn Maeglin reading
Wednesday, August 27, 5pm – 7pm
Author Kathryn Maeglin will give a talk titled “Breast Cancer, Bulimia and the Blues: How I Beat Them All and Wrote Books to Boot.” She’ll then do a reading from her novel “A Hunka Hunka Nursing Love” (A savvy businesswoman creates a visiting-nurse service with hot guys as caregivers. But when she herself falls for one of the hunks, and her own mom proves to be the toughest customer of all, heartburn abounds.) Music will be provided by local guitarist Matt Beal
Tracy Mishkin Book Launch Party
Sunday, August 31, 4pm – 6pm
Tracy Mishkin is the author of I Almost Didn’t Make It to McDonald’s, a poetry chapbook published last month by Finishing Line Press. Her work blends humor and serious ideas, and it is accessible. As one commentator wrote, “I love the way her wry and self-deprecator?y humor comes through and the sense of seeing something deeper and more abiding behind ordinary things, ordinary situations. I love her innate respect for others coupled with her ability to see their foibles.”
Tracy is an Indianapolis native who resolves health insurance problems at Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. She is a student in the MFA in Creative Writing program at Butler University and a member of the InterUrban writing group and the Writers’ Center. To share her poetry with family and friends, Tracy has created nine desktop-publish?ed booklets since the late 1980s. She has twice been the featured reader at Evening with the Muse. In addition to her chapbook, her work is featured in Reckless Writing 2013: The Continued Modernization of Poetry and has appeared in Tipton Poetry Journal, Flying Island, and Poetica. You can read her poems online at flyingislandjou?rnal.blogspot.c?om,, and tracymishkin.wo?
The Writers Guild at Bloomington
Ledge Mule Reading Series
August 28 7:00 to 9:00 pm
I Fell Building , 415 W. 4th St, Bloomington, IN
Ledge Mule Press is kicking off its first reading in a new series dedicated to highlight exceptional writing. Our own alumna, Jennifer Leubbers (Leonard) will be reading with David Watters.
The Spoken Word Stage at the Fourth Street Festival of Arts & Crafts
Presented by the Writers Guild at Bloomington
and supported in part by the Bloomington Arts Commission
and the Fourth Street Festival of the Arts & Crafts
Saturday, August 30, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 31, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: at the Corner of 4th Street and Dunn.
The Writers Guild at Bloomington once again presents the Spoken Word Stage at this year’s Fourth Street Festival of Arts & Crafts. The Spoken Word Stage features poets, fiction writers, storytellers, the live radio theatre, comedy, collaborative music/theatre performances, and Poetry On Demand.
Always popular, Poetry On Demand gives you the opportunity to order up a poem on a theme, subject, or idea of your choice and, for a suggested donation, a poet will concoct a personalized masterpiece of wordsmithery inspired by you! Visit us at the Writers Guild’s table by the Stage and chat with a guild member. We’d love to meet and speak with you!
This event is free and open to the public. Go here to see the schedule of performers:
Poetry on Brick Street
Will present Lorne Mook as its guest poet at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 4, at the SullivanMunce Cultural Center, 225 Hawthorne St., Zionsville.
Mook has produced the first English translation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s third book of poems, Dream-Crowned, published in German in 1896 when Rilke was 21. Mook’s poems and translations have also appeared in Poet Lore, Literary Imagination, Poetry International, International Poetry Review, Unsplendid, and Rowboat, as well as in his book Travelers without Maps. He is Associate Professor of English at Taylor University.
Poetry on Brick Street is a project of Brick Street Poetry Inc., a 501-(c)-3 not for profit that also publishes the Tipton Poetry Journal and hosts other events that promote the literary arts, particularly the art of poetry. For more information, email Susan Miller at
Indy Reads Books
911 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Thursday, September 18, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Dana Roeser
Dana Roeser is the author of three books of poetry: The Theme of Tonight’s Party Has Been Changed, winner of the Juniper Prize (University of Massachusetts Press, 2014), and In the Truth Room (2008) and Beautiful Motion (2004), both winners of the Samuel French Morse Prize (Northeastern University Press/University Press of New England).
Greenwood Public Library Writer’s Group
Monday, September 8
6:00-7:30 pm
Join us for this writers’ critique group, a place where beginning and Join us for this writers’ critique group, a place where beginning and veteran writers can receive feedback on their work. All genres of work are accepted. Readers and those who enjoy books are also welcome as their feedback is important. If you’d like to have a sample of your work critiqued at the group, please email your sample to Valerie at
We hope to see you!